Georgia Tech Football Recruiting Roundup: Jackets visit Maryland school, offer kicker, Thomas in the weight room

ATLANTA, GA - NOVEMBER 1: The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets car Ramblin' Wreck prepares to drive out of the tunnel prior to their game against the Virginia Cavaliers on November 1, 2014 at Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets defeated the Virginia Cavaliers 35-10. (Photo by Michael Chang/Getty Images)
ATLANTA, GA - NOVEMBER 1: The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets car Ramblin' Wreck prepares to drive out of the tunnel prior to their game against the Virginia Cavaliers on November 1, 2014 at Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets defeated the Virginia Cavaliers 35-10. (Photo by Michael Chang/Getty Images) /

The Georgia Tech football staff has been active the last few weeks on the recruiting trail including offering a pair of Maryland recruits and a kicker.

The Georgia Tech coaching staff reached out to a pair of Maryland recruits from National Christian Aacdemy on Wednesday. The first recruit offered was 2020 Maryland cornerback Joshuah Moten.

Moten is currently ranked as a top-300 recruit in the 2020 class and has already received plenty of scholarship offers with 21 according to his 247Sports profile. Maryland, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Penn State appear to be four programs that have made early and strong impressions on Moten.

The Jackets also offered Moten’s  2021 teammate, athlete Monkell Goodwine. The offer was Goodwin’s ninth as he is finishing up his freshman year of high school. Other programs that have offered the 2021 recruit include Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland and Michigan.

Jackets offer 2019 Atlanta placekicker:

Georgia Tech had success a few years ago when they were able to pluck an Atlanta kicker of The Westminster School named Harrison Butker. Now, the Jackets are hoping to land another Westminster School kicker as they offered Charlie Ham.

Ham, who both kicks and punts is ranked as the seventh best kicker in the nation according to Kohl’s and has also received an offer from Arizona. He’s the only kicker that the Yellow Jackets have offered in the 2019 class so far.

Currently, the Jackets have two specialists on their roster with scholarships in  kicker Brenton King and punter Pressley Harvin III. King last season showed some potential making five of six field goal attempts while Harvin III was one of the best punters in the ACC last season despite being a true freshman.

2018 signee Thomas adding ton of muscle heading into the summer:

2018 signee Juanyeh Thomas will be enrolling at Tech come next month but has already hit the weight room in anticipation of making his best efforts at playing as a true freshman.

Above, Thomas showed before and after pictures of his work in the gym after just two a little over two months of working out. Thomas who will be playing safety for the Yellow Jackets once he arrives on campus has already added a ton of muscle.

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The improvements in the weight room should only be making the Tech coaching staff and fans even more excited for the underrated prospect to see the field. If Thomas continues to put on weight and muscle, a move to linebacker or a potential hybrid between safety and linebacker could be possible in the future.