Georgia Tech Basketball: The Yellow Jackets Simply Fold When Things Get Tight


The latest collapse from the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets  basketball team just further confirmed what everyone knew, Georgia Tech can’t get out of their own way and will fold when things are tight.

Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets /

Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

It is bigger than the hot seat that Brian Gregory is on, and bigger than the X’s and O’s or lack there of on the basketball court– it has become mental.

This team has gone down fighting every game.  They have owned leads down the stretch that were big enough for  most teams to have been able to seal the deal and get the victory.

But at this point in the season, with the Jackets being who they are, it seems as though when they get in a tight game they simply fold.

It is almost as though panic is programmed in them when things get tight.

The close games are when cooler heads should prevail. For whatever reason with the Jackets, there is not a cool head on the club.

Even in the late game flurry where the Jackets eventually lost 52-51 to Louisville, there were times where a cool head simply could have changed the outcome.

With 2:17 left Marcus Georges-Hunt makes only one of two free throws after missing both of his free throws in his previous trip to the line.

Georgia Tech forward Marcus Georges-Hunt dribbles the ball against Miami during the second half at BankUnited Center. (Photo: Steve Mitchell, USA TODAY …

Grab a rebound and you can avoid Wayne Blackshear hitting a game tying three-pointer. Louisville grabbed two offensive rebounds that trip to set up that three-poiinter with 1:49 left in the game.

There were two crucial turnovers down the stretch by Georgia Tech in the final 1:12, and the layup that was blocked on Travis Jorgenson that could have been an assist if he looked to penetrate and find a man .

These just seem like plays where cooler heads would find a way to execute.

But when that sinking feeling comes on and you start saying in your mind “oh no not again”, they more than likely are going to fold.

Folding is a built in characteristic of the team now, and it is not good. It could be blamed on lack of preparation from Brian Gregory, it could be blamed on lack of execution by the players.

Honestly, it should be blamed on a lack of success on the court. They subconsciously expect to lose close games because of the pattern that has been built.

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The opposition tell their kids this simple instruction when they fall behind, “make this game close and Georgia Tech will fold”, and it works.

A lot of people believe that basketball is more about the mental game than the physical part of the game.

When a teams’ confidence is shaken in close games,  and the majority of games played are close, how you handle yourself in crucial moments and the mentality in which you go about it matters.

This teams’ lack of success in tight games has become crippling, and it seems like there is no remedy in site.